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Manaaki Graham

Tours Guide

“Getting to meet some interesting characters and sharing stories back and forth with our international manuhiri”

Name you like to be called? Manaaki

Nō Te Whanganui a Tara ahau
Ko Taranaki tōku maunga me tōku Iwi
Ko Waitōtara tōku awa
Ko Te Paepae O Te Raukura tōku marae
E noho ana ahau ki Te Whanganui a Tara, ko Te Ātiawa te iwi mana whenua a konei
Ko Manaaki Graham tōku ingoa

Favourite thing about your job!
Being connected to the history of Te Whanganui a Tara and learning new things every day. Getting to meet some interesting characters and sharing stories back and forth with our international manuhiri.

It’s also great to get out on the waka and get paid to have a workout for an hour or so.

Interests outside of job!
Outside of mahi I enjoy many great hobbies including music, baking/cooking, sword fighting and board/card/video games.


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