Tū tama roto, Tū tama waho
To know ourselves, is to know others

Te Raukura, Te Wharewaka o Pōneke is a member of the Ministry of Education’s Professional Learning and Development (PLD) Provider Panel. Our team of accredited facilitators can provide a wide range of cultural education kaupapa that will enhance your schools Te Ao Māori journey and provide a platform to build and sustain your connection with mana whenua Te Atiawa. Our Cultural Education kaupapa are designed and delivered to meet the NZ Curriculum refresh.
‘Te Kāhui Kura’ comprises three opportunities for engagement with your kura whether it is providing education for kaiako and tauira or experiential learning with our team of experienced tour guides – Kura Ahurea|Kura Hautu|Kura Taiao. Please contact us to discuss your kura’s requirements.
Kura Taiao
‘Kura Taiao’ has at its base the cultural concepts of Mana Moana (caring for the sea), Mana Whenua (caring for the land) and Mana Tangata (caring for people). These cultural concepts are intrinsically linked to Māori cultural and environmental landscapes and identity. Delivered with a mana whenua lens and using these concepts, our team can ensure you meet the needs of your school environment and focus on enriching the learning experience of tamariki.
We have a proven ability to provide students with access to contemporary and traditional sites of significance and resources within the Wellington region and deliver to primary, secondary or tertiary students particularly our international students wishing to learn, discover and experience Māori culture.
In 2023 our focus is on walking tours designed to accommodate small or large groups and within this framework we can incorporate other aspects of Māori culture that will give your students an unforgettable learning experience.

Kura Ahurea
Creating a dynamic, diverse and innovative curriculum that includes a whole of school approach to Te Reo Māori, local historical narratives and hands on support from local iwi can be difficult. Look no further, we have a solution for you.Kura Ahurea is a cultural support kaupapa that is ideal for your school.
We do this by providing a Te Ātiawa ki Te Whanganui a Tara/Taranaki Whānui perspective on local historical narratives, tikanga and kawa.
Teachers from schools who are part of our kaupapa have said ‘Kura Ahurea has the potential to fundamentally change our schools’ culture, and positively impact on our collective understanding of and appreciation for Aotearoa’s bicultural heritage’
Typically, schools identify one or two teachers to lead and develop this kaupapa within their school, and these teachers are supported by the Kura Ahurea team via termly hui based at Hikoikoi in Petone, so they can support each other through sharing resources, ideas and experiences.
In addition to providing teachers with resources we are able to offer your kura a link and connection with Te Atiawa as mana whenua, meeting your needs in relation to tikanga and providing cultural advice and support.
Te Wharewaka o Pōneke is a member of the Ministry of Education’s Professional Learning and Development (PLD) Provider Panel and has a team of accredited facilitators who will work with you on Kura Ahurea.

Kura Hautu
Kura Hautu has been designed to provide cultural support for your Kāhui Ako through engagement with kura leaders.
Our experienced team of faciliators will work with leadership and stewardship groups across multiple kura within a kāhui ako through a wananga with middle management.
Typically, our team will provide leaders within a kura an opportunity to have an authentic and sustainable partnership with mana whenua. This partnership will provide kura with and insight into some of the following, but is not limited to:
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi Principles from a mana whenua perspective
- understanding of who we are as Te Atiawa
- understanding of what an effective partnership looks like
- building and maintaining a relationship with mana whenua.
Available for individual schools as well as kahui ako, providing changes at a strategic level. Talk to our team about our current work in this space and established relationships with other kahui ako in our rohe.