Tū tama roto, Tū tama waho
To know ourselves, is to know others

Our team can provide a wide range of cultural services to enhance your experience at Te Raukura, Te Wharewaka o Pōneke. As a form of manaakitanga let us share our culture with you and your visitors when planning and organising your next event, function, or conference.
Our services range from welcoming you to Te Raukura with either a formal welcome (Pōwhiri) or informal welcome (Mihi Whakatau) to kapa haka performances. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Cultural Engagement
We receive many requests for Cultural Engagement here at Te Raukura, Te Wharewaka o Pōneke and this allows us to express ‘Manaakitanga’ (Caring for others), as is the custom for Māori across Aotearoa.
Our team have Te Reo me ōna tikanga (language and protocols) expertise with mana whenua (recognised tribal authorities) and look forward to ensuring that manuhiri (visitors) to Te Whanganui a Tara are welcomed to Aotearoa, Wellington as the Capital and feel connected to your organisations event, conference or gathering.
Some of the services we can discuss are Powhiri (formal welcomes) or Mihi Whakatau (informal welcome), openings, blessings and kapa haka performances.
Let Wellington Functions work with you to secure the appropriate room within Te Raukura and our Whare Tapere (Conference Centre), while our cultural engagement team will provide advice and assistance to ensure your visitors experience our manaakitanga as mana whenua Te Atiawa.