He waka eke noa – paddle the waka together
Our team at Te Wharewaka o Pōneke are ready to take you on a cultural waka experience during your summer holidays. Reconnect with friends, whānau or bring your team together.
Reconnect with friends or whānau.
Let us share our waka culture with you and give you an opportunity to reconnect with friends and whānau. He waka eke noa – a whakatauki or saying we are now all familiar with while working through COVID19. Why not take some time out during your holiday break and try something NEW in our Capital City, Te Whanganui a Tara (Wellington).
On arrival you will receive an informal welcome (Mihi Whakatau) before discovering how to paddle our waka together as one (kotahitanga). Share more about our history and why waka are an important part of Māori culture in Aotearoa.
Our waka connect packages are available until 31 January 2021 so why not discover something new right here in our Capital City.
Cost: $180.00 per group of four (GST Inc)
Min: 12 pax
Times: 11am and 1pm
Days: Friday to Sunday
Bookings essential.

Bring your team together.
Let us share our waka culture with you and give you an opportunity to reconnect with your team. He waka eke noa – a whakatauki or saying we are now all familiar with while working through COVID19. Lets take some time to reflect on the achievements our team of 5 million have made and demonstrate our newly acquired skill of teamwork on the water.
On arrival you will receive an informal welcome (Mihi Whakatau) before discovering how to paddle our waka together as one (kotahitanga). Share more about our history and why waka are an important part of Māori culture in Aotearoa.
Our waka connect packages are available until 31 January 2021 so why not bring your team together and discover something new right here in our Capital City.
Cost: $550.00 per group (GST Inc)
Min: 12 pax
Times: 11am and 1pm
Days: Tuesday to Thursday
Bookings essential.

Wet Weather Plan – On Land Waka Tour
Waka tours are weather dependent. If the weather forecast is unsuitable leading to concerns about passenger safety, we will liaise with you to move the tour to another day.
Where an alternate date is not available, an on-land waka tour can be conducted. You will learn all the techniques, waka chants, salutes and calls as if you were going to go out on the waka – you just won’t get wet!
The on-land waka tour includes a Māori Cultural Walking Tour looking at sites of cultural significance that influence and surround Te Raukura, Te Wharewaka o Pōneke located on Wellington’s picturesque waterfront.
What to Wear
You may get wet, so we recommend you wear appropriate clothing with warm layers, boat shoes or jandals. Changing facilities are available on site.
All passengers and crew wear a personal flotation device on board the waka. We have personal flotation devices in a wide range of sizes and seek to include all tour participants, including children. Haere mai (come along)!