Roger Hollywell
Business Manager
“Strong leadership, the ability to streamline business systems, stake holder management, financial acumen and the ability to get the best out of people is what Roger is about!”
Name you like to be called? Roger
Ko Tararua nga pae Maunga
Ko Tainui te Waka
Ko Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga te Iwi
Ko Ōtaki te Awa
Ko Te Pou o Tainui te Marae
Ko Kapumanawawhiti te hapū
Favourite thing about your job!
Sharing Aotearoa’s unique cultural and natural heritage and making a positive impact for our community is what really drives Roger. He brings to the Role of Business Development Manager a wealth of acumen in the fields of Commercial and Residential Construction, Transport, Hospitality, Property Management, Sales and Marketing.
Strong leadership, the ability to streamline business systems, stakeholder management, financial acumen and ability to get the best out of people!
He is a self-professed work-acholic but you would never know it as he has always got time for you.
He oversees our professional knowledgeable and enthusiastic tours team who are providing a quality product to our community. He also oversees our successful education programmes and works with our experienced education professionals who implement our history into many of Te Whanganui a Tara schools.
His energetic entrepreneurial manner, guided by our rangatira from the Ahu Whenua Trusts has successfully managed the revitalisation of Māori tourism in Te Whanganui a Tara and the work refurbishing Te Aro Pā will complement this revitalisation and continue to inform our community of the important history of this whenua.
Interests outside of job!
Roger keeps himself busy in many sports including Squash, Football, Rugby and a myriad of water sports. Culture, people, place and politics are also important.