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Te Karanga o Te Tui Marino

Te Kāhui Kura Administrator

Tū tama roto, Tū tama waho – knowing ourselves while knowing others ensures our culture is celebrated and change occurs!

Name you like to be called? TK

Nō Te Whanganui a Tara ahau, ko Te Ātiawa te iwi mana whenua a kora
Ko Ahumairangi tōku maunga
Ko Kumutoto tōku awa
Ko Tokomaru tōku waka
Ko Pipitea tōku marae
Ko Te Ātiawa tōku iwi
Ko Ngāti Te Whiti tōku hapū
E noho ana ahau ki Te Whanganui a Tara, ko Te Ātiawa te iwi mana whenua a konei
Ko Te Karanga O Te Te Tui Marino tōku ingoa

TK is the administrator of our Te Kāhui Kura kaupapa, working part time from Te Wharewaka o Pōneke and wānanga at Hikoikoi. He is currently studying a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Public Policy and Māori Studies at Te Herenga Waka. Prior to this, TK was working as a sales consultant for international shipping in London, UK.

TK’s role is to manage the administration of our Te Kāhui Kura kaupapa (education programmes) that meet the cultural, social, environmental  and economic objectives for our Ahu Whenua Trusts.

Tū tama roto, Tū tama waho – knowing ourselves while knowing others is a key driver for TK.

Favourite thing about your job?
As an administrator TK’s role at Te Raukura, Te Wharewaka o Pōneke and Hikoikoi is assist our facilitators to deliver programmes  that share the history and stories of Māori in Te Whanganui a Tara (Wellington) and Aotearoa (New Zealand). Delivering cultural education kaupapa within Te Kāhui Kura (Enriching Local Curriculum, Kura Ahurea and Kura Hautu) reinforces and teaches us the values and philosophy of  Māori, our origins in the pacific, mastery of the sea and the arts, and the arrival of our first ancestors to these land from Hawaiki. To share our history and responsibilities as mana whenua with kura, kaiako and tauira is extremely rewarding!

Interests outside of role!
Outside of mahi, TK enjoys playing rugby, university life, spending time with friends and whānau as well as with his partner. His te reo journey is ongoing and he is a member of Te Ātiawa ki Te Whānganui a Tara.

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